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There are some misconceptions among those who are just starting to enjoy the art of erotic humiliation. One of the biggest misconceptions is that a man who enjoys being humiliated always has a small penis.
To be sexy and effective, humiliation must be personal. If you tell a well endowed humiliation-lover that he is a “pindick”, “Pencil prick”, or that his penis is “pathetic”, you are not going to effectively humiliate him.
Many of the things that men enjoy being erotically humiliated about stem from real insecurities he has. If he can share an erotic moment with another person based around those insecurities, then those insecurities become a bit more tolerable (this is discussed at greater length in our essay Why Do Some People Enjoy Erotic Humiliation?).
When you’re playing with erotic humiliation, remember this. It is not always about a small penis. And you should grow your vocabulary beyond “pathetic” and “loser”. The more personal the humiliation, the more enjoyable, erotic, arousing and effective it will be.
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